Submission Instructions

Papers and Posters

Accepted submissions are:

  • Long paper with oral presentation (8 pages maximum, including references)
  • Short paper with oral presentation (4 pages maximum, including references)
  • Extended abstract with poster presentation (6 pages maximum in the extended abstract format, including references)
Authors of papers and posters may submit an accompanying demonstration proposal in addition to their regular paper or poster submission, by completing the proposal form for practice works (see items 2 and 3 in the next section) and sending it along with their submission. Together with the form, authors have to provide a link to a video about their work. The proposal form for practice works is mandatory for all paper and poster submissions including an accompanying demonstration and must include details about technical set-up and space requirements.

Submissions must be in pdf format and they have to be prepared using the ACM proceedings template.
For templates and examples please follow the links:
Word template for long and short papers:
Latex template for long and short papers:
Word template for extended abstracts:
Latex template for for extended abstracts:

More information about the templates here

Practice Works

Submission consists of:

  1. An extended abstract (2 pages maximum, including references):
  2. Word template for extended abstracts:
    Latex template for for extended abstracts:
  3. The proposal form for practice work, including detailed technical requirements and possible additional information. Please use the following template for the proposal form:
    Ms Excel: TechReqPracticeMoco2018.xlx
    OpenOffice Format: TechReqPracticeMoco2018.ods

  4. Supporting media (videos, pictures, audio, and so on), which should provide an overview of the practical work and details of the practical and technical requirements for putting the work on (this is very important to ensure that we can accommodate the work within the resources of our conference).
    Please note that the maximum total file size allowed by the submission system is 50MB, if the supporting media exceeds that size we encourage to submit a document containing links to the supporting media instead.
Please note that we are an academic conference with a low fee, which means we cannot pay for commissioned performances and artworks. In addition, we cannot guarantee facilities and technical support for all possible sessions, so please give us full details of your needs in the proposal form so that we can judge whether it is feasible.

Doctoral Consortium

Accepted papers will have an oral presentation in a dedicated session. We encourage students to submit a paper even if they are early in their doctoral work.
Papers should not be longer than 4 pages including the references. The first author must be an actual PhD student. Doctoral Consortium papers will be indexed and published in the ACM digital library. Videos and other supplementary materials are highly welcomed. Students accepted to present their work at the Doctoral Consortium must plan to attend it.

For templates and examples please follow the links:
Word template for doctoral consortium papers:
Latex template for doctoral consortium papers:

Submission system (EasyChair)

All contributions must be submitted online through EasyChair:

All submissions must be anonymous and will be peer-reviewed.
The MOCO proceedings will be indexed and published in the ACM digital library.